Getting her number FUCKING TUTORIAL

Okay here's the deal.
If you're interested in a girl, grow some damn balls,
man up and go to her PERSONALLY
to ask her for her contact number. 

Do not get your friend(especially NOT your girl friend)
to help your chicken ass out and
hope to score some rad chick. Haha.

But on a serious note tho.. I would prefer having the guy himself coming up to me to ask me whatever he has in mind for me and not be a coward and get someone else to do his deed.(I've had my fair share of the cool guys whom I should really applaud but let's not elaborate on that😜) And I believe majority of the girls out there would agree with me on this. 

I wasn't so annoyed with him after he finally came up to me
(I told the girl I wanted to see him)
and I thought he was pretty cool introducing himself
 and asking me personally eventually.

He still didn't score though.
I just told him to find me on Twitter.
And a "MrBlackAssNigga" followed me soon after. 
Who the fuck calls themselves that? 
Let's just settle as friends.


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